We call the Glacier Pothos, the Old Man N'Joy, because he's like a more speckled, wrinkled, mottled version of his N'Joy cousin. This chap's proper name is Epipremnum aureum 'Glacier'. The Glacier has smaller leaves than most Pothos and are slower growers also. He's a happy-go-lucky, easy-care chap. We love his olivey-grey-green mixed with bright white (new leaves start off more creamy white), and silvery grey flecks and freckles. We give him a 2 out of 5 LTLC rating for being super easy care with a few simple considerations. Read the full Glacier Pothos care guide below.
Light & Temperature
Happy in multiple spots indoors - bedroom, lounge, kitchen, bathroom - but will appreciate medium to bright, indirect light wherever you pick for him, especially if you want him to grow. This hardy chap is comfy between around 18 to 24 degrees but will tolerate higher or lower provided the rest of his conditions are good. Down to about 10 degrees indoors in winter is normally no issue.
The more prone you are to over-watering, the more a free-draining soil matters. We use our usual 3/4 potting mix to 1/4 perlite (or something similarly light and free-draining), but go up to half and half to suit your tendencies. If you're a serial over-waterer consider a terracotta pot.
Like with the rest of the Pothos family, moist soil is ideal. No wet feet for this chap. When you water, wait for the pot to stop dripping before returning him to his cover pot or saucer (or if you water in situ just empty out any excess water after about 30 minutes). The Glacier will handle getting dry between watering but don't leave it too long. Do the finger test and give him a good drink when the top couple of cms of soil are dry. For us in Auckland that's about weekly in summer. High humidity is appreciated but not a must. We add a half dose of Groconut every week during summer to get every bit of growth possible from this slow-growing variety.
Medium to bright indirect light is the way to go for this guy. Too dark and the Glacier's already slow growth will slow down even more.
Glacier Pothos Pro Tips & Problem Solving
Drooping leaves
If you're doing everything right and still getting drooping leaves that's a sign your boy is root bound. Pop him out and take a look (don't just judge by roots coming out the bottom, he could have plenty of room still). When dry he'll be easy to just pull out of his pot to check.
Sparse vines with leaves far apart
Longer leggy vines with too much space between leaves is most likely due to your Glacier being somewhere too dark. Try a spot with more light.
Curling leaves
Pothos leaves curl to retain humidity and moisture, so curling leaves are a typical sign of thirst. A good drink should sort him out.
Bare stems
Bare stems aren't uncommon for the vining Glacier Pothos. Low light could be the cause but this can be normal so might just need the chop! Either try a new spot with more light, or cut back to soil level to encourage new, bushier stems to sprout.
Is the Pothos Glacier pet safe?
That would be a no sorry. As with all Pothos, the Glacier can be toxic if ingested, causing irritation to the lips, mouth and throat. If this causes swelling it could get serious. Best kept well out of reach of chompy pets and kids.
LTLC Rating (Love That Leaf Care Rating)
We give the Glacier Pothos an easy 2 out of 5. We'd give him a 1 but he's not quite 'wet and forget' level. Definitely a good beginner plant though with some serious 'wow factor' with that stunning veriegation.